Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pearl Millet (Jowar / Jonna)

Taking care of health is based on pure science and scientific principles. It is a consistent and a gradual process. You cannot expect miracles or magic to happen in one single day. Rome was not built in a day and so is your health! But some natural remedies do really work as pure magic when they are used in certain health conditions. Why shouldn't it be? After all, nature has gifted life-saving properties to all the natural ingredients. But by natural ingredients, many people only relate to the fruits and vegetables. They are not the only miraculous gift of nature! You need to consider the whole grains as well! There are a lot of whole grains that offer many health benefits comparable to that to fruits and vegetables. And one of them is Pearl Millet or Bajra.
Bajra or pearl millet is very tasty and has nut like flavor. It has a texture similar to that of brown rice. Its volume increases by three times after cooking. Millet is one of the most versatile grains and can be used in different forms. It can be used as flat breads (bajra roti) or mixed up with 25 percent wheat flour for use in yeast breads.
  • To add a crunchy texture and to bring variety to the baked foods, dry millet flour is added to biscuits and breads.
  • Traditionally, it is used as porridge or in the gruel form. Nowadays, bakery products like cakes, muffins, cookies and biscuits are enhanced with Bajra or Pearl millet flour.
  • Sprouted bajra or pearl millet can be used in salads and sandwiche

The Hidden Nutritional Qualities of Bajra or Pearl Millet

  • Pearl millet or bajra is a highly nutritious and a gluten free grain. It is full of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
  • The grain is easily digestible and has the lowest probability of causing allergic reactions.
  • It is rich in starch and this makes it a great source of energy.
  • It is an excellent source of protein and fiber.
  • It is rich in minerals like phosphorus, iron and zinc.

Nutritional Information

                   Millet/1 cup cooked

Total fat(g)
Saturated fat(g)
Monounsaturated fat(g)
Polyunsaturated fat(g)
Dietary fiber(g)

What are the Health Benefits of Bajra?

  • People suffering from celiac disease cannot tolerate gluten. Bajra, being gluten free, becomes a very good food choice for these people.
  • It is highly effective and recommended in cases of severe constipation and stomach ulcers.
  • It helps in lowering the cholesterol levels. This is due to the presence of phytic acid and niacin.
  • It is also believed to be associated with bringing down the risk of cancer.
  • Being rich in fiber content, bajra works very well in diabetes. Gradual release of blood sugar in the bloodstream helps to keep the glucose levels normal.
  • The wholegrain supports weight loss. The high fiber content leads to a feeling of fullness for a prolonged period and this controls your hunger. You tend to eat less and this aids in your weight loss process.

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