Monday, September 12, 2011

Green chilli

·         Green chilies are rich in vitamins A and C with the dried version higher in vitamin A and the fresh version higher in vitamin C. They can contain as much as six times the amount of vitamin C as a single orange. Their vibrant color signal high amounts of the antioxidant beta-carotene, which supports the cardiovascular system, as well as helps maintain the health of the skin, eyes and immune system. Green chilies also contain vitamins B and E, and are a good source of iron and potassium. They do not contain fat or cholesterol and help block the body's absorption of cholesterol while remaining low in calories.
·         The Great thing about green Chile you can eat all you want and not get fat. Green Chile is fat free, low on calories, almost no cholesterol and has lots of fiber. Green Chile helps build up your immune defense system because it has lots of Vitamin C, even 6 times more than an orange. When Chili turns red it's loaded with vitamin A. Chile doesn't just taste great it's great for you. Even the ancient people such as the Mayans used it on a regular basis as a medicine. I rarely get sick and now I know why, eating green Chile has always made me feel good.               

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